Colour Branding: The Colour Psychology in Marketing and Branding

Himaan Ali
5 min readAug 23, 2023


You undoubtedly had a favourite colour when you were a child. In fact, you still may.

What do you believe about that colour, though? What phrases come to mind? How does it make you feel?

It has been demonstrated that different colours evoke different feelings in humans (both positive and negative ones) and lead to various associations with companies. This is the psychology of colour, and over time, colour has had a significant impact on brand identity and marketing.

In the world of branding, colours hold a power that goes beyond aesthetics. They have the ability to evoke emotions, convey messages, and influence consumer behaviour in subtle yet profound ways.

This phenomenon, often referred to as the “magic of colour branding, highlights the strategic use of colours in marketing and how they shape perceptions of brands, products, and services.

The Psychology of Color

The psychology of colour explores how different colours can impact human emotions and behaviours. Colours have the ability to trigger specific feelings and associations, making them a potent tool for marketers. For example:

  1. Red: Associated with energy, passion, and urgency, red is often used to create a sense of excitement or stimulate appetite. It’s commonly seen in Restaurant logos and clearance sale signs.
  1. Green: Symbolizing growth, nature, and health, green is commonly used by brands focusing on sustainability, organic products, and wellness.
  1. Yellow: Representing positivity, Joy and optimism, yellow can grab attention and create a sense of warmth. It’s often used to draw attention to important information.
  1. Black: Conveying sophistication, luxury and Royalty. black is frequently employed by high-end brands to create an air of exclusivity.
  1. Pink: Associated with sweetness, romance, playfulness, and femininity, pink can evoke feelings of warmth and nurturing. It’s often used in industries related to beauty & fashion, and Bakery and dessert shops and other products aimed at children.

Impact on Brand Perception

The strategic use of colours in branding can significantly impact how consumers perceive a brand. The choice of colours can shape the brand’s personality, values, and even its target audience. For instance:

  1. Consistency: Establishing a consistent colour palette across all brand materials, from logos to packaging, helps create a cohesive and recognizable brand identity.
  2. Emotional Connection: Brands can establish an emotional connection with their audience by aligning their colours with the desired emotional response. This connection fosters brand loyalty and engagement.
  3. Differentiation: In a competitive market, choosing unique colours can set a brand apart and make it more memorable. This distinctiveness aids in brand recall and recognition.

These 7 Brands Show the Power of Color Branding

1. Coca-Cola:
The Allure of Red, The iconic red colour of Coca-Cola’s branding is synonymous with excitement, energy, and passion. Red stimulates appetite and captures attention, making it a strategic choice for a brand that wants to stand out on crowded shelves.

Coca-Cola’s consistent use of red across its packaging, advertising, and logo has contributed to its brand recognition and global success.

2. Starbucks:
The Warmth of Green Starbucks has made green synonymous with relaxation, freshness, and sustainability.
The calming effect of green is ideal for a brand associated with coffee breaks and moments of indulgence.

Starbucks’ green logo and store interiors create an inviting ambience that encourages customers to unwind and savour their beverages.

3. UPS:
The Dependability of Brown,
Brown might not be the most flashy colour, but UPS has transformed it into a symbol of reliability, trustworthiness, and efficiency.

The colour choice is rooted in practicality, as the brown uniforms and vehicles of UPS blend well with industrial settings and are less prone to show dirt and wear. Over time, the brown colour has become a recognizable identifier of the company’s dependable services.

4. McDonald’s:
The Energy of Yellow and Red, McDonald’s combines the vibrant colours of red and yellow to create an environment that exudes energy, excitement, and urgency. Yellow is associated with happiness and positivity, while red stimulates appetite and grabs attention.

Together, these colours form a potent combination that encourages quick consumption and evokes feelings of familiarity and comfort.

5. Facebook:
The Dominance of Blue, Facebook’s iconic blue logo and interface reflect trust, reliability, and connectivity. Blue is often associated with professionalism and technology, making it an ideal choice for a platform that aims to bring people together and foster communication.

The calming and approachable nature of blue encourages users to engage with the platform comfortably and share their thoughts and experiences.

6. Victoria’s Secret:
The Love of Pink,
Victoria’s Secret, a renowned lingerie and women’s fashion brand, has successfully harnessed the power of pink as a central element in its branding.

The brand’s sub-brand, “Victoria’s Secret Pink,” is particularly notable for its use of pink as the main colour. This sub-brand targets a younger audience and focuses on casual loungewear, activewear, and accessories. The colour pink is associated with femininity, youthfulness, and comfort — qualities that align well with the target demographic of “Victoria’s Secret Pink.”

7. Nike:
The Dynamic Power of Black and White, While Nike’s logo primarily features the iconic swoosh, the brand’s use of color is minimalistic yet impactful.
Nike often employs a combination of black and white in its branding, particularly in its footwear and apparel lines. This choice of colors speaks to the brand’s core values of athleticism, innovation, and empowerment.

Black is often associated with strength, sophistication, and timelessness, while white signifies purity, and simplicity. Nike’s black-and-white colour scheme allows the brand’s products to stand out for their performance-driven features, innovative design, and versatility.



Himaan Ali

SEO Specialist | Marketing Strategist | Business Enthusiast